

Size:           L * B
        77.5cm * 49.5 cm
          30.5”  * 19.4” inches
Plus approx. 3cm of painted border
plus 1 inch of painted border
Medium:   Oil on Canvas
Attribute to an artist at the Monkey Temple(Swayambhunath), Kathmandu.


TILOPA:  Tilop­­­­a was one of the eighty-four Mahasiddhas or meditation masters of India, some Buddhist, some Hindu and some both. Tilopa was an important conduit of the Mahamudra, or Great Symbol teachings preserved in the Kagyu sect of Tibetan Buddhism.  The narrative below is a distillation of those teachings adapted from “Mahamudra on the Ganges.”  These are Tilopa’s heart instructions to his principal student, Naropa, which tradition holds were delivered on the banks of the Ganga.

Although Mahamudra cannot be taught, intelligent and patient Naropa, fortunate one, be devoted to your guru, do this with your mind.

   Let go of what has passed.

  Let go of what may come.

  Let go of what is happening now. 

  Don't try to figure anything out.

  Don't try to make anything happen.

Consider, for example, that in space, what is resting on what? In one’s mind, Mahamudra, there is nothing to be shown. Rest relaxed without trying to alter anything.
 Consider that, looking in the middle of the sky, you don’t see anything.  When your mind looks at your mind, thoughts stop and you attain the unattainable.
 The luminous clarity that is the essence of the mind has never, from the beginning, been obscured by anything. And, from the beginning, it has been like space. There are no Dharmas (realities) that are not contained there.
 Abandoning all else, the practitioner should rest at ease.
   No thought.
  No reflection.
  No analysis.
  No cultivation.
  No intention.
  Let it settle itself

Naropa has same dimension.
Both Thangkas to be sold together for

 Price:$495(exclusive of Courier service charge)

to purchase this Thangka package please contact
Mr. Ken Du Bois

Some more collections of Thangkas on Sale!

Title: Manjushree on lion throne
Title: Lokeshvara sitting

Lokeshvara standing I

Lokeshvara standing II
For more information on these piece or to purchase this piece please contact Mr. Ken Du Bois

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